It is always a good idea to earn some extra income for yourself, or even go into full-time work, and becoming a taxi driver will always be one of the best options you have. A taxi is a small business opportunity with the potential to earn upwards of £40,000 annually if you are a full-time driver in the towns and cities across the country.
If you have taken a break from your career, it can be challenging to get back into the workforce. Whether it is a long or short period, you may see this gap as an obstacle in your career progression, while it would be a hard task to fill in the gaps in your resume. If you find yourself in this situation, these are five tips you can use to make this easier.
Employers look at dozens of resumes per day. They don’t have time to study every little bit of information on each resume they look at. Instead, they scan through resumes for keywords which tell them what kind of experience and skills the applicants possess.
Choosing your best career path requires an action plan. By the time you’re ready to write your action plan, you should have a clear idea of which profession you want to pursue. If you’re still contemplating what your future career is going to be, then you need to take a step back and assess your goals and interests.
If you’ve spent much time hunting for roles – and I’m guessing that as you are here, you are actively seeking a new position.
About that, there is an important fact you need to realize now before later; that the more senior the position you are looking for, the less likely it is that you’ll find it on a job board.
Civil engineering is a broad field, which can make it hard to figure out precisely what you want to do for a career.
How to Get Motivated While Searching for A New Job? Do you immediately hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off first thing Monday morning? You’re not alone. A lot of workers have not motivated enough to do their work, thanks to both inflation and spending cuts.
Have you ever been to a walk-in interview before? Chances are, you’ve been to more than one, but maybe you didn’t know it. Walk-in interviews usually happen in job fairs and similar events.